
FREE PRINTABLES! Color Your Own Placemat + I Am Thankful A-Z Challenge

November 17, 2019

One of our favorite family traditions is to go around the table at dinner (or lunch) and have everyone say at least one thing they are thankful for, which is somewhat hard in it's own way. You don't want to keep repeating the same things that everyone else has already said, plus you have the anxiety building about what random, sometimes embarrassing thing your child will blurt out when it is their turn. The list could go on and on of the big and small things that we are thankful for in our everyday lives, but can you come up with something that starts with each letter of the alphabet?

This is a great activity for children, teens, and adults alike! You can even make it a challenge! Who can come up with the most unique responses? Who ended up with the most blanks filled? The possibilities are endless but at the end of the activity it will give you all a better idea of the endless list of things that you are thankful for!

Plus, don't feel like this can only be used during the Thanksgiving season, there is always something to be thankful for!

Click here to Download the A-Z Challenge!

If you are like our family, everyone shows up early to mid-day for an evening meal. That leaves plenty of time for kids (and adults) to get restless, fussy, and of course under foot pestering people. 

Our kids love to help out, whether it is a monumental task or just busy work, they enjoy it just the same! Why not have the kids decorate placemats for themselves and the other seats at the table! This printable sheet includes plenty of coloring, tic tac toe, and a space to write what they are thankful for! All you need is the prints plus crayons and markers for everyone and you will have everyone entertained while you finish up those pesky last minute tasks!

Click here to Download the Printable Placemat!

I hope your family love these activities as much as mine have! Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday!